Thursday, July 2, 2009

A new home

Thought you all might like this, surprised Karen even let me take it.

If you would have seen Karen this morning you would have felt as we did, that she wouldn't last the day, so we have done well that she is now in the hospice and finally they have the pain under control, this morning scared the hell out of us and made us realise how little time we have left!


  1. Hi David,

    As always, I'm thinking of you both, not much more I can say, only, thank you for keeping the information flowing, it must be extremely difficult?!

    I read every day and please know that you and Karen and Eva are in my thoughts.

    Take care, stay strong.....

    Jo Bell x

  2. Sending you all our prayers and love.We have so much admiration for your strength and courage...
    Love from all the girls from The Womens in Melbourne.

  3. Thinking of the 3 of you always. Sending thoughts, love & good vibes over the 'waves' and praying for you all every day.
    My love, hugs and strength I send to help you.
    Keep fighting
    Amy T xxx
