Sunday, March 27, 2011

Get a real dog

For you small dog lovers, even these are better, Eva's "Dog" and "Puppy" original names I admit bit I am sure they will evolve as Eva's vocabulary does.

Then of course there is lamb, not just any lamb but the mascot for Emu boots, so yes Eva is indeed an Emu baby and a huge thanks goes out to Emu and Innocence, a great local baby store here in Kerikeri, you guys rock and made it happen.

We were also lucky enough to have an additional crew member recently and it was a very special weekend, we tried to convince Jo to give up the high life and go for the happy life by becoming the permanent first mate, all to no avail but keep trying we shall.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Friends & Family Near & Afar

Thank you to all of you for making Eva's second birthday so special, you humble us with your generosity and support and it made what is a day I dread into something better than I could imagine.

Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, always days that I struggle with but thanks to all of you today was so incredibly special and I know Eva had her best day ever.

Karen would be proud of us all for Eva's 2nd birthday and the part you have played and continue to play in her life, for that I THANK YOU.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2 and loving it

A few happy snaps, the story is and more photos to come.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where are they now

Well I think this should work and will enable you all to know where we are, when you are sitting at your desk and have a a fleeting though of Eva and I simply go to where it says "Where is that boat?" type in "Sea Esta" overwriting "My Boat" and see us you shall.

Depending on where we are you will see the colour of the water but you may have to use your imagination to see how much fun we are having!!!!! 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Better Late Than Never

I have been more than a little remiss in getting this out sooner, if you are around on Thursday then please join us, details below:

Where: FOOD at Wharepuke, Kerikeri (

When: 10am, Thursday the 17th of March

Bring: As much as we love presents please don't feel
  you have to, it is all about the company and being
  together to celebrate Eva and I making it through another year.

If you get a chance let me know you are coming so I can sort numbers with Colin.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The winter program

Life is far too short to do winter when you don't have to so to the islands we go, follow the link for all the details and if you wish to join us at any point you are more than welcome.

I am close to sorting crew so all is coming together better than expected even so it will be a full on next six weeks until we leave so if I am a little lax on communication, at least now you know why.

Hopefully there wont be any Tsunamis, what happened overnight in Japan is a wake up call for us all to be prepared and more importantly aware.