Sunday, August 21, 2011

Turtle's and Dugong's

Wow, a national geographic day today, we are in a stunning anchorage called Palakula Bay on Santo Island Vanuatu with constant turtles for companions and on the dinghy trip today a Dugong mother and calf accompanied by dad, a very special moment, they are the elephants of the sea and very cool but very strange animals, they hung around the dinghy for ages much to Eva's delight.
Vanuatu is an amazing place with stunning beaches, yesterday it was Lynn's 50th birthday (a lady on another boat), we went to Champagne beach and drunk champagne then back via a blue hole which is a fresh water spring for swimming and then lastly a boutique waterfront bar.
Not sure on our plans from here but either way it is as simple as leaving the bay and going in the direction that the wind makes easiest, we have to be in Port Vila in four weeks so lots of time to explore.
I have been diving a lot and with the Coolage and Million Dollar Point the wreck diving here is like nowhere else although more than just a bit deep.
Oh and how could I forget, Eva is without a doubt potty trained, two days now with no accidents, all number 1's and 2's on the potty, dry overnight so very happy campers we are, the other boats have asked why we run around the boat clapping and cheering, all three of us that is, ah the celebratory potty dance.
Hope you are all well where ever in the world you maybe.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Testing from the islands.

Less than four days and in Vauatu, we are sailing into Oyster Resort as I write this so brief it will be, an amazing four day passage with a bit of everything and we still averaged over 150 miles a day, the joys of a spinnaker, Eva was a dream and Rachelle even better, Rachelle loved it which makes all the difference. We were greeted to the most airy spectacular sunrise with volcanic islands covered in mist and incredible colours.
So let the Vanuatu adventure begin :-)

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The other half of the world, the less explored

Sorry its been a while, we having been living the now moment and making the most of every second, the last couple of weeks have been superb and as our time in Fiji comes to a close we look forward to the adventures that await us in Vanuatu. I went for a scuba dive a couple of days ago on what is called the supermarket, it was an amazing reef dive in 10-15 meters with a heap of good sized fish, lots of reef sharks, Nemo's, clams and stunning coral. For those of you that know me well it is overcoming one of my biggest fears but more importantly I want none of my fears to be passed on to Eva so overcome it I have, I now realise what I have been missing out on, so on my Christmas list is dive gear, a whole new world and one I look forward to exploring with Eva on her 8th birthday which is when she is allowed to dive. Oh and while we are on Eva, mmmmm, tantrums a foot for the last two weeks but the last two days has seen her being her absolute angelic self so things are less challenging on the daughter front. Ok, that's about it from Fiji hope you are all well and living the dream :-)

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