Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Pics

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Belated wishes

Sorry for the very belated Christmas wishes but internet coverage in the Bay of Islands can be best described is not much better than hopeless, thank you all for your emails, texts and presents, very special, we had a great day in a place called Oke Bay with Gran and Granddad, champagne brunch and all, I will get some pics uploaded when a connection that is fats enough makes it possible.

I have managed to get a pic of Eva uploaded with her new best friend Lulu, something has happened over the last week and her vocabulary seems to have tripled so Lulu is an easy one.

We have been away a week now and other than a few Dad mishaps, another scar to add to the list, all has been amazingly easy, Eva is in her element and we are both far more at ease which is a very peaceful feeling.

Last night we stayed in a really secluded bay, well it was until a few other boats a a pod of dolphins turned up, I am still in awe is to what happened, the dolphins basically sat around Sea Esta, literally 1 foot away, in the end about 10 kids from the other boast came over and jumped in and to all of our surprises the doplhins played with them through until dark, I have never seen anything like it, I got a bit on video as I doubt anyone will believe it so captured the moment so you didn't think it was one of my spectacular dreams!!!!!

I can hear Eva going, yes, Dad Dad Down Please, not sure how at 21 months she can say it with such a commanding tone, mmmmmm, oh dear what have we created, hanging out in the Bay of Islands for a couple of weeks before venturing further a field, have a happy and safe New Years and see you in 2011.

Love Dave and Eva

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Being Eva

Three days to Christmas and Eva already has a stack of presents under the tree only but a few from me and a whole heap from you so thank you in advance.

Eva has taken to painting as you can see from the attached pic, and loves nothing more than making a mess, oops sorry art, the other pic is with a stunning flower windmill which Eva got for Christmas from a friend of ours Petra, she loves it, hours of fun.

Off tomorrow in the boat, not sure for how long, not sure where just good to get away and do a lot of me and Eva, I look forward to a bit of down time to confront and HOPEFULLY sort a few thoughts floating around in the old grey matter, I too often forget it was only two years ago that Karen and I had a quiet Christmas at home in Harrogate before heading to Wales for our god son Archie's christening.  Then on to London to see in the New Year, we had a few health scares on the journey which we both just put down to pregnancy.  Blissfully unaware of what was to come we were happy and proud of each other, the baby we had made in Eva and what we had faced since our first bout with cancer.

I keep pinching myself, this is a nightmare right??? It just seems to be a really long one and I am struggling to wake up, yes I still feel that way even though I am acutely aware of my reality, so to the ocean, sea air and fingers crossed some sun to heal a few wounds that have been left far too long.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On what really matters

Its not often I add to the blog forwarded emails but I thought you all might appreciate this especially the photos, wow mum and dad make even Eva look tall :-)

I met Geoff and Sally last year away in the boat, we all need role models and people that live life on their own terms, Geoff and sally are very much that, special friends indeed.

Dearest David, Eva and family,

You reached out to us, and in so doing, have made our Christmas feel special.   
Thank you for sticking with us and sending us the latest e-mail.   We both 
truly enjoyed seeing you and watching a very adorable young lady grow us!  Eva
is beautiful, lively, happy and full of her own opinions.   You are doing such a 
magnificent job of raising her.   (or is she raising you?)   Either way, 
what a success.    

We were feeling a bit "off" with no family around this Christmas, and yet, the way you 
have made us feel a part of your family each time we see you, we now feel a bit 
less sad.    Your mum's Christmas Cake will be a very special part of our two day 
Christmas "holiday" in Taupo.  Thank you so much.

We hope that the path ahead is a bit less blurry -- and that things come into 
focus (for you and for us).   No matter what, it will be good to watch the journey.
Hopefully this photo will be evocative of what the holidays are all about:
being with those we care about, and still thinking of those who cannot join in.

As Eva would say, "THANK YOU" for a lovely day.    But don't forget David,
Geoff and I still would love to sit and talk to you some more.    We'll make a point of
trying to get in touch on the 29 or 30th.   

I will also include some of the other photos -- but my favorite is of all of you -- including
Eva's special friend, Sam.

with love, friendship and good wishes for the Holiday season.
Sally and Geoff

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Where did that baby go?!

How much Eva changes how much more she becomes a mini Karen, looks attitude and everything in between, a happier and more proud dad I could not be.

Christmas for me is for family and this would have been our fourth together and our second with Eva so as much as I do my best to get into it an amount of reflection is inevitable and it is really simple, I miss Karen. 

Together we never got to see Eva open those presents, come running to us on Christmas morning with that sparkle of excitement in her eyes, this year has been harder than the last so I am not so sure the saying "time heals" is really true I just wish for so much more. 

So cherish those close to you and have a very Safe and Happy Christmas and all the best for the year to come.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Love David & Eva.