Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Google earth Ilots Deguala, Ouvea, New Caledonia, it is unbelievable, we just came back from sitting in the dinghy with a hump back and its calf, got to within a boat length away and just sat there as they hung out, while we were sitting around a shark, big one at that came up to have a nosey, it is even better than you could imagine here, the sand is like talcum powder it is truly amazing.
We have seen some special places but it just keeps getting better, there isn't a cloud in the sky, two knots at the most and we are anchored in three meters of gin clear water.
To top it off on route we caught a Job fish which are superb eating so dinner is all sorted, what are you doing right now :-)

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Caledonia

Well here we are, New Caledonia, we had the most incredible passage, 170 miles in 24 hours which is amazing going, too fast unfortunately so the pass into the lagoon was navigated at night, luckily it was pretty straight forward but always a little anxious making land fall at night into a new place. Each time we get somewhere we think it can't get any better but it does, google earth Mouli on Ouvea island, part of the loyalty group and look at the colour of the water, amazingly it is even better than the pictures and we are in the middle of a high so clear skies, nice.
It is always great to be able to come in after passage and give the boat a fresh water wash down, go the water maker, water on tap, very cool.
So what now, relax for a few days then either head north around the main island or south to Lifou then Isle De Pins, either or will be cool and an adventure so looking forward to it, I can't believe in a month I will be joined by Dad and a friend for the Journey home, what a hell of a way to six months, I pinch myself everyday, I have been the unluckiest and luckiest person in the world.
On that, Eva, changes daily in good and bad ways,she really is the coolest little girl, her favourite saying is "oh shit", don't know where she gets that from :-) but we are trying to get her to stop much to Eva's amusement.
Ok before this becomes a book, Au voir.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The last week

We arrived in Efate Island Vanuatu today, our last stop here before heading for New Caledonia and then home, wow how fast a few months can go. The last week has been incredible, the weather stunning, sailing perfect and the locations visited once in a lifetime. Last night we anchored at Cook Reef, the middle of the ocean, the snorkeling was amazing and we though hey why not spend the night, luckily the weather was settled and we had a very peaceful night, wouldn't have been a great place to get caught with your pants down.
On the sail today we dragged a lure the whole way and had the excitement of it being chased by a Striped Marlin, a big one at that, it had at least ten goes then decided our piddley lure with even smaller hooks wasn't worth the trouble, it breached a couple of times, amazing, don't know what we would have done if we had caught it but all the same a whole lot of fun.
Eva's vocab, letters and numbers are developing as fast as her personality, it is both frustrating and incredible and everything in between.
I am sure those of you in NZ are sitting down to the opening ceremony and first game of the world cup,GO THE ALL BLACKS.

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