Thursday, May 6, 2010


I know how Eva feels, we have been back a week, the heating has been on permanently and my last memories of NZ are relaxing on the boat in shorts and a t-shirt,  nevermind its going to warm up tomorrow, ok maybe next month.  It would be all ok if it was clear and sunny but its that grey that effects your mood, might have to make a trip to get away from it.
We have been getitng out albeit rugged up and enjoying the stunning flowers and colours that are spring.
Having settled in really well and although Eva has a cold she has a happy little chappy again, I have even got her having some bought lunches and dinners which makes travelling a heap easier so that volcano had better settle down so we can get out and about. 
Time to fly wake Eva then bottle time, let the fun begin.

MSN NZ Travel Find a way to cure that travel bug

1 comment:

  1. Hi David, what a beautiful little girl she is. Karen would be so proud of you both. The May 09 and 10, don#t need words. Think of you all often. Alison
