Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let the grieving process begin!

Two more sleeps and the thought of leaving brings both joy and tears, Karen and I came here together, we had amazing life, we made a home and a life, we brought Eva into this world, cancer came back, Karen passed away and tonight I pack for Eva and I to leave for while and without Karen.

I sit here tonight on the couch in tears missing my wife and knowing that come Thursday Eva and I start the next chapter of the adventure that Karen and I started, I miss Karen so much.

It is a chance for the grieving to start and for me to put the pieces back together and repair a very broken heart.

Thank you for all your messages of wishes and support, it is a challenge just to keep myself together over the next couple of days so I apologise if I don't get a chance to respond.

So back to reality, packing to finish, bottles to clean, silk underwear to hand wash and hopefully I have remembered everything, an adventure lies ahead and Eva and I will take the bull by the horns and as Frank sung, do it my (our) way.

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