Monday, April 20, 2009

The sun is shining in more than one way

Today we had some amazing news, the chemo and us are beating that bastard chemo. After one cycle of chemo Karen's numbers for her tumour markers have halved, better than anyone expected, a cause for celebration, we both have tears of joy.


  1. David, thats fantastic news, relieved and happy for you all, my thoughts and hopes of better times ahead are with you.

    Take care of you and yours........Jo

    p.s, the latest bathing vid, your little Eva is absolutely gorgeous, she grows almost daily from this end, keep the pics and vid's rolling!!

  2. Guys - just the type of good news you needed and deserved. All my love, Anne (STAus).

    PS - thanks for keeping us all in touch with the videos.

  3. HI Karen Zena here, well what can i say so pleased for you all. It is nice to see david, feel like i know you all so much. Eva is just gorg and such a special little girl. I think my husband wonders where i go every night due to me being glued to the computer trying to get the latest on the whyman family ha ha. You have made me cry, smile and just melt. Keep up the hard work and would luv to catch up soon xxx
