Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kindergarten Science

Kindy this week.

Milk,  food colouring and dish washing liquid.

What's happening?

Eva: "I mixed it up. It changed colour. Cause the liquid did it. It's magic. to wonder and that is the seed of science.  Ralph Waldorf Emerson

Jo Johanson

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Observational drawing

Todays kindy update, its great to know what Eva gets up to when she is not with me.

Observational drawing.... By offering a variety of subjects for children to draw and as teachers draw attention to the finer details through this process, the children begin to notice different shapes, textures and colours.  This is when children begin to view the world through the eyes of an artist.

Eva noticed we had something different to draw with today.  Pastel  chalk and water.   As Eva was experimenting with these, I encouraged her flicked through the pages of our book which showed a variety of photos of people with clay painted faces and head pieces.  Please see photos attached, Eva's interpretation.

Art touches the soul... Art is communication... It reaches out from the canvas and passes through the eyes of the viewer right into his heart where it can leave an imprint of beauty that can make the spirit sing.  Nina Baldwin.

Jo Johanson
Kerikeri Kindergarten

Baking for Kapa Haka tomorrow

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The window building

This was sent today from kindy, a daughter to be proud of.

Lilly:  "It's decorated windows"
Eva:  "we did it, it's beautiful"

I think this is the tallest and longest building I have seen built at kindergarten.  Eva and Lilly spent a long time working together to create this magnificent construction. Balancing the blocks was a little tricky but they worked together and did it!

Eva and Lilly showed many Habits of Mind....persisting - creating, imagining, innovating - taking responsible risks - thinking interdependently.  Essential life skills.

Habits of Mind is knowing how to behave intelligently when you don't know the answer.  It means having dispositions toward behaving intelligently when confronted with problems, the answers to which are not immediately known. Costa and Kallick.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

More from Eva's Birthday

I think this guys gay

Someone who came to eat some cake, he was just back from an event in Sydney, "MARDI GRAS"

Team New World

The Tour Of Northland has come and gone for another year and what a great four days it was. The boss Dave Hannan put in a Sterling performance to take second overall in our group, which after four hundred ks of racing including more than a few hills was no mean feat.
I managed to pick up stage one and four to boot, so all in all a successful few days and more importantly we had a whole lot of fun.
Mmmmm what shall we do next !!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Happy Birthday Eva, 4, unbelievable.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Deanne and Eva cooked up a storm mmmmm chocolate chip biscuits.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

What an amazing summer we are having

This is the swing on Eva's tree in the back yard, it is another beautiful afternoon and I can't remember a day when it was last below twenty five degrees.

Have less than two weeks to go to a four day race I am doing and two weeks until Eva turns fourteen sorry I meant four, easy to get confused.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The hard days

41 today, Happy Birthday Karen x