Dear All,
Karen had her scan today and this evening we met with the consultant, the news is pretty bad. Why I am typing this email, good question, I guess more for me than you, a way of getting my head, well an attempt anyway around what we found out this evening.
The latest scan explains why Karen has been deteriorating so much, the chemo worked to begin with and now it is not, the existing cancer has grown and spread and our path forward seems to become one of managing symptoms and quality of life rather than fighting the cancer.
It is now at the point where we it seems we have exhausted the options available and the days that lie ahead are numbered.
We are scared, scared or the very limited time we have left and the very difficult and painful path we now take, this will test everything we have as individuals and as a family, for as long as we can remain one.
As of tonight Karen is still in hospital but tomorrow we will do all we can to get her home and make the most of the time we have left.
Selfishly I don't want anyone to see Karen so we can make the most of the limited time, irrational I know but understandable I am sure, so please try talk to Karen about seeing her she needs all of you at the moment and sorry to be a pain in the ass but out of respect for me please try to make it short and sweet, she is my wife, my soul mate, my lover and my companion, I have not even had two years, please support and respect that and help me to make the most of the limited time.
I am facing loosing my everything, haven't my world turned upside down forever, Karen has completed me, now I face a life without her.